Secret #11 Aged Care
National Seniors Financial Information Desk (FID) is a confidential independent service that can help you with accessing aged care.
From understanding home care packages and how to access them, to moving into residential aged care, they can help you to make informed decisions and access the services and care you need.
Understanding the Financial Aspects of Residential Aged Care
Moving into residential aged care can be an emotional and stressful time. Understanding the costs involved can also be confusing. Our FID officers can assist with understanding the costs, the process involved and possible options available.
Advice can be provided through our partner Aged Care Matters*, accredited aged care specialists, who can help with:
At Home Care
- Registering for Government Assistance and ACAT Assessment
- Assist in development of preferred care packages
- Identify and suggest reputable care providers
- Ensure you understand the conditions of the package including the fees, and assist with the ongoing monitoring of the service
Placement Packages
Placement in a residential aged care facility
- Locate an accredited home in the preferred location with your specific needs
- Assist in preparation of the paperwork for the Aged Care facility and other Centrelink related paperwork
- Assist with the negotiation of the entry bond (Refundable Accommodation Deposit)
- Ensure you are aware of the contractual arrangements in relation to the new home
- Provide any additional information and answer any queries you have
Advanced Packages
Answering the common and complex questions including:
- How can I afford the entry bond (RAD)?
- Do I need to sell my home, or can I rent it?
- How is my home and other assets assessed under Centrelink and Aged Care Rules
- Will this impact my DVA or Age Pension?
- What happens to the RAD should I pass away?
- Can my partner still reside in the family home if I need to move into an Aged Care facility?
- What happens if I don’t have any assets, what does this mean for me?
Aged Care Matters will provide a comprehensive report covering the above questions, and answering many more that are applicable for your personal situation.
The report will also include suggested strategies on how you might fund your upfront and ongoing fees while in an Aged Care Facility, allowing you to discuss these suggestions with your family and other professionals before being able to select the best option for you.
*Aged Care Matters is a division of FAMG Pty Ltd ABN 11 605 631 598.
Secret #12 Attitude and Vision